membership is easy

Buy a share of tokens and you become a member for the season. Or buy them as a gift for a friend. Each token admits one to any Secret Planet show.

As a member, you’ll RSVP and bring your tokens — instead of buying tickets. (that’s right, you just dodged all the ticket fees!).


Better pricing per token here than the quarter-share, and more tokens to bring your honey or honeys along!

You’re curious but not hugely committed — this is the member-lite option.

Best pricing per token unlocked. Consider yourself fully loaded for the season plus a few to share with your pals.

You’re not just a regular attendee — you’re an ambassador. You care deeply about community and borderless music, and you probably like to go out a lot!

There are other ways to GET INVOLVED. if you want to volunteer in exchange for tokens, just reach out.