Wednesday, October 9
OneBeat 14 at Bombyx
7:00PM (doors 6:30)


What if I told you that Secret Planet had a musical fellowship program for international musicians age 19-35, funded by the State Department?

Well, we don’t. But if we did, it would strive to look exactly like OneBeat — an incubator for borderless musical ideas that provides a unique opportunity for a cadre of artists to connect, experiment, and jam out with each other.

Twice each year, the program selects a residency location in a different part of the country and brings approximately 25 musicians from 15 countries to spend a couple of weeks together in musical exploration and intercultural exchange. The residency culminates in a few select performances in the region.

We welcomed a first round of OneBeat artists in May, and this Fall, a new cadre of performers are landing at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute in New Hampshire for a Fall edition. Stay tuned for more information about the fellows.

If you’re not a Secret Planet Member, you can buy tickets here.